As a business owner, you've probably encountered the problem of what to do with any extra funds in your business. It's a fortunate situation to be in, but it does require some critical decisions. In this blog post, I have gone into a range of strategies, in no...
Avoiding Retirement Pitfalls for Business Owners
For business owners, the idea of using your business as your retirement plan can be both appealing and risky. To have worked so hard and sell your business to live your retirement dream can be a comforting thought, but it’s important to understand the potential...
Five Things to Consider Before Consolidating Your Pensions
Today, we're diving into something that's relatable for many of us – the world of pension consolidation. You've worked hard over the years. As a result, you might have a collection of different workplace and private pensions. But guess what? Not all pensions are...
Five reasons to retire as soon as you can
Have you ever wondered why some people hold off on retiring?
Well, that’s something I often see in my line of work. I see people continue to work well into their 60s and 70s out of fear of the unknown that retirement has.
Retirement Planning: Higher Rate Pension Tax Relief
If you’re a higher rate taxpayer, there is a fantastic opportunity for you to reclaim an additional 20% tax on your personal pension contributions. This results in a total tax relief of 40%.
I’m 60 with £300,000 in my pension. Can I retire?
In this video, I delve into retirement planning strategies by analysing the client case study of John Doe who wants to retire now, at age 60.